The Kerala paceman, who was in judicial custody for close to a month, on allegations of spot-fixing during an IPL match between Rajasthan Royals and Kings XI Punjab, on Monday dropped in at a five-star facility to meet Sawani.
According to reliable sources, Sreesanth was grilled by the ACSU chief for close to three hours.
Sreesanth became the first of the four cricketers to depose before BCCI's Anti-Corruption and Security Unit chief Ravi Sawani.
On the day, it was only Sreesanth, who deposed before Sawani while another accused Ankeet Chavan and Gujarat medium pacer Siddharth Trivedi, who has also been suspended for concealing facts, are expected to depose over the next few days.
Ajit Chandila is the only player who won't be able to depose as he is still in police custody. Clad in light blue half sleeve kurta and blue denims and sporting a bright red tilak, Sreesanth looked a lot fresher than what he appeared after getting the bail earlier this month.
"He seemed very satisfied after his session with Sawani and told his friends that he is confident of clearing his name. Although he did admit that he is worried about his future in cricket," a friend of the cricketer informed.
Sawani will submit the deposition of the cricketers to the disciplinary committee which will send its recommendations to the working committee that will announce the final verdict. Sreesanth took an evening flight for Kochi.
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